Tips to save your solid oak hard wood flooring from getting destroyed these winters
The winter months bring with them cheerful family gatherings and lots of holy blessings. But what the winter season also brings with it is a lot of issues for home owners, who have installed solid oak hardwood flooring in their homes. Right from scratches caused by snow-melting materials to flooring gaps, everything can adversely affect your prized hardwood floorings.
Does this mean that you should not install hardwood flooring in your house? Well the answer is no. Let winters not be a cause of worry for you, just because you have hardwood flooring installed. With a few precautions in place, you too can protect your solid oak wooden flooring, without having to worry too much about going the extra mile.
Here are some tips which can help you save your floors this winter. As the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure. For this very reason, it’s better to take precautions, than incur extra cost on trying to get your floors restored.
Use floor mats: You might have heard a lot of people mentioning this method over the years. Earlier, before you actually took the decision to install hardwood floors, you might have felt it relevant to not pay too much attention to this prevention tip. However, with the installation of hardwood flooring, this is a much needed clause, which can help you save your floors from any imminent damage. Catching slush, snow and salt at the door is a great way to avoid getting it inside the house. Install floor mats at the door steps, so that your house members and guests are encouraged to wipe their feet before stepping on the hardwood floors.
· Training your pets: Imagine a situation where in your pet comes in from outside, carrying all the slush and snow on its feet and body. As the snow begins to melt, it will seep into the cracks of your flooring and cause it to bend eventually. The end solution would be to get your floors restored by an expert. In order to avoid any such kind of expensive hassles, it’s best to train your pets to make sure your pet is not carrying in any kind of harmful material on their feet and body. Training can help you go a long way in making your floors look natural, even during winters.
· Warranties to the rescue: Many hardwood flooring companies provide warranties on their wooden flooring, especially the ones which deal with winter related issues. At the time of purchase, it’s best to consider the options which can help you save some money in such scenarios. The more you are prepared, the better it would be for you in the long run, especially when it comes to getting your floors restored.
· Take off your shoes on the door: When it comes to protecting your floors, no method will prove to be unworthy. Even the simplest of hacks can add more life and value to your floors. Place drying racks near the door, so that everyone entering your house can take off their shoes and slippers at the door itself. As a good practice, you can provide dry carpet slippers with a soft sole, so that everyone can roam around, without worrying too much about damaging the floors.
These day to day tips and tricks can go a long way in helping you maintain your floor’s beauty, life and value. All you need to do is diligently practice these steps, to make sure you never have to get your floors restored too early post installation.